How to lose fat without losing muscle
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In fact, this problem is not difficult to solve. When we lose weight, we can maintain the calorie deficit in our body, because this allows our body to break down sugar, fat and protein in the body to make up for this part of the heat.
How to lose fat without losing muscle
In fact, this problem is not difficult to solve. When we lose weight, we can maintain the calorie deficit in our body, because this allows our body to break down sugar, fat and protein in the body to make up for this part of the heat.
The main component of muscle is protein, and the breakdown of protein is the breakdown of muscle, so fat loss will inevitably lose muscle. What we can do in the process of losing fat is to minimize the passage of muscle through reasonable exercise and diet.
When we are exercising, we pay attention to strength training and reasonable aerobic exercise, because the advantage of strength training is that it can directly stimulate muscles and improve muscle synthesis. When the efficiency of synthesis is higher than the efficiency of decomposition, we add muscle that would otherwise pass through.
Strength training can reduce muscle loss during fat loss by increasing the efficiency of muscle synthesis. We should try to maintain the same intensity as during fat loss. Although it will be tiring, it has a good effect on reducing muscle loss. During aerobic exercise, the body is in a state of oxidation, which directly breaks down sugar, fat and protein in the body to provide energy for the body. The longer the aerobic time, the higher the fat decomposition efficiency and the stronger the fat loss effect.
However, prolonged aerobic exercise can also lead to increased protein breakdown, leading to muscle loss. Therefore, it is best to keep the aerobic time at 30-60 minutes, which can achieve a good fat reduction effect without losing too much muscle.
I am used to doing aerobic exercise for about 30 minutes after strength training during fat loss, and the effect is very good.
The diet should be based on a high-protein diet and control the overall caloric intake
Well understood in this regard. During fat loss, the protein in the muscles is broken down due to thermal gaps. At this time, we will increase the protein intake level in the diet, so that the muscles can get more supplements and reduce the proportion of muscle loss.
Generally speaking, it is enough to consume more than 1.6g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day during fat loss. Based on my 80kg weight, the protein intake for one day is 128G, which is equivalent to the protein content of 19 eggs. In fact, it is not difficult to guarantee.
At the same time, while maintaining a high-protein diet, the overall dietary calorie intake level should be calculated to ensure that the calorie intake is less than the calorie intake we consume in a day, thereby ensuring the efficiency of fat loss.
Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. We should be prepared for a long battle. If you lose fat too fast, you will inevitably lose a lot of muscle, which is not good for your health. It is easy to rebound after successful fat loss.
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